Tape embroidered cashmere sweater series, do you have a boutique?
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- Abby
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- Nov 27,2020
Taping embroidery actually belong to a branch of hand embroidery. Hand embroidery is more time-consuming,taping embroidery came into being.

Tape embroidered cashmere sweater series, do you have a boutique?
The preparations for Ewsca's new recommendation in December have officially started.
In the past week, our design team has carefully prepared various design elements, cashmere yarns, patterns, buttons and other accessories. Our EWSCA will provide you with a tape embroidery series in the next month. Welcome new and old customers together Participate in the new design, and together we create the unique style we want.
What is taping embroidery?
This craft should actually belong to a branch of hand embroidery. Hand embroidery is more time-consuming, but I want to embroider the same beautiful flower shape. What should I do? Taping embroidery came into being. It takes a lot faster than ordinary embroidery, because Its craftsmanship is equivalent to the mechanization of handwork, and the natural speed will be much faster, so the cost will be reduced. But it does not lose the beauty of traditional hand embroidery.
Did you find it? As long as you choose EWSCA CASHMERE, all you have to do is: choose the style, pay, and receive the goods. All other trivial matters, EWSCA has already taken care of you, please feel free to entrust us EWSCA CASHMERE. .
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