Machine Wash Your Cashmere Scarf? Yes, You Can!
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- Jun 21,2021
There not a label that will keep me away from wearing cashmere. No need to feel overwhelmed by how to wash the cashmere scarf and for a reason.

First things first, what you need to do is adjust the cycle of your washing machine. When washing your cashmere scarf, you'll have to select the most delicate cycle for materials such as silk, cashmere or wool. This will help you prevent any stretching and additionally choose the shortest time cycle.
Once you select the cycle, you have to choose the appropriate temperature too. Cashmere fiber has this magical hollow structure, too hot and you are heading out for a disaster and a shrunken scarf or sweater. Therefore, you need to remember toalways use cold water; nevertheless, if you are hand washing or machine washing your favorite cashmere items.
Thirdly, you need to carefully choose the detergent. Some of them might be too strong; thus you need to pick a detergent or soap made for delicate fabric. Otherwise, baby shampoo is always a good alternative.
Lastly, to additionally protect your cashmere scarves and cashmere sweaters, you can put them in a washing bag in the whole washing process. Don't have one? No need to worry, just put each piece in a separate plane white pillowcase, and you are good to go.
On the other hand, if you don't have the complicated washing machine to set the right cycles, you can always hand-wash your cashmere items.
Here is how:
- You'll only need a basin filled with cold water and a mild detergent.
- Soak in your cashmere for twenty minutes, rinse it, fold it into a ball to get excess water out without wringing it to avoid stretching the cashmere sweater/scarf.
- When the time comes to dry it out, place it flatly on a towel and let it dry on itself.
See? You've made it to the bottom of your today's read about how to machine wash your delicate cashmere items. Now you know that the process itself is not complicated at all, it`s just a matter of being careful.